The Sobo, Katamuki, and Okue range stretching over Oita and Miyazaki prefectures are a treasure trove of rare flora and fauna, with unique landscape beauty such as steep rocky peaks, numerous valleys, and untouched nature.
DRUM TAOは2017年に大分県ユネスコエコパークオフィシャルアーティストに認定されました。世界を魅了する驚異的なパフォーマンスで、祖母・傾・大崩ユネスコエコパークの希少な自然や美しい風景をPRしています。
DRUM TAO was certified as an official artist of Oita Prefecture Biosphere Reserve in 2017.They promote the precious nature and beautiful scenery of the Biosphere Reserve with their amazing performances that fascinate the world.
Please take a look them performing in the magnificent nature of Sobo,Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve!
The video introduces the areas of Saiki City, Taketa City, and Bungo-Ono City,
and , there are numerous spots where we can experience nature and traditional culture in Sobo,Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve!
If you are interested, please check this brochure!
Sobo,Katamuki and Okue Biosphere Reserve btochure(公式パンフレット)
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